Thursday 16 October 2008

Royal Navy Operations T Shirt

The design of this shirt is dedicated to the Royal Navy Operations Branch. This branch was the forefather to the now CIS teams on board many of the modern destroyers, frigates and carriers. The Operations team made up the command and control teams and basically fought the ship in combat operations.

The compass is the centre piece in this design as all of the operations teams had to fight the ship in any location, in any climate and at anytime. The Operations branch was made up of the following sub branches Radar (RP),Missile Man (Gunner), Sonar (TAS Ape), Electronic Warfare (Gollie), RO G(Sparks) and RO (T) Buntings. The central compass is surrounded by these branch badges to emphasize the team created by inter operations.

The combined operations badge is again adorned as the backdrop as it was the operations branch that would liaise directly with all external forces in order to achieve its fighting objectives. This may have been CAP cover for the warships or land based army units directing in Naval Gunfire support.

The motto in Latin “Virtus Unita Fortis Agit” Translates to “United We Act Stronger”

The shirt is a unique design and a fitting tribute to the Royal Navy Operations branch. It was created specifically to honour the Operations teams who have maintained a state of readiness for the nation in both war and peace.

10% of the sale price of this shirt will be donated to the SSAFA.

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